Instalando J2ME + NetBeans no Ubuntu

Instalar, configurar e testar J2ME no UBUNTU 9.10 - Karmic Coala

[ Java JDK 6 ]

Download do NetBeans para J2ME

Download do JWT 2.5.2

Pelo terminal, dar permissões para executar o arquivo e executa-lo em seguida:

chmod 0777 ./sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2.5.2_01-linuxi486.bin
sudo ./sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2.5.2_01-linuxi486.bin

Após ler toda o contrato devera aparecer

No suitable Java interpreter was detected

0) Specify a path to a Java interpreter directory.
1) Cancel this installation.
Select a choice [0-1]: 0

This application requires Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (1.5 or later). Enter a path to a Java 2 SDK (For example: /user/jdk1.5/bin). You can type "exit" to cancel installation.
Enter a path to the Java 2 SDK: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin
Testing /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java...

Please enter a directory into which you would like to install the Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit, 2.5.2 for CLDC.
[ default is /home/tarcisio/Área de Trabalho/WTK2.5.2 ]:/home/tarcisio/wtk
Installation directory is /home/tarcisio/wtk.

Check for Product Updates

Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit for CLDC includes Check for Product Update feature.
This feature will be active every 7 days and will inform you about the new Product Updates.
No personally identifiable data such as name, address, or e-mail address will be collected. You can disable this feature later in Preferences.
The information collected by Product Update includes the following:

* Operating system
* Country and Language setting on your computer
* Date and version of the Wireless Toolkit that you are about to install
* Unique random user ID generated by the Wireless Toolkit

Collected data will be used for future improving of the product.
Please read Sun's Privacy Policy at

Check for Product Updates? [yes or no] yes

Setup has enough information to start copying the program files.
Current Settings:
Destination Directory
JVM Folder
Check for Program Updates

Please choose one of the following options:
0) Begin copying files if you are satisfied with the settings .
1) Cancel the installation.
Select a choice [0-1]: 0

Extracting the installation files...
Documentation for the Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit
2.5.2 for CLDC is in the file
In order to start using the Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC, please run


tarcisio@PASCAL:~/Área de Trabalho$ /home/tarcisio/wtk/bin/ktoolbar
OTA server emulation started ...
HTTPS server emulation started ...

Instalando o NetBeans

chmod 0777 ./
sudo ./

Testando tudo:

Abra o NetBeans ( ele deve ter feito um atalho em aplicativos > desenvolvimento > netbeans, se não, vá pelo terminal:

/bin/sh "/usr/local/netbeans-6.8/bin/netbeans"

Vá em Arquivo > Novo Projeto escolha Java Me e clique em Próximo
Pode deixar tudo padrão ( certificar que esteja checado em "criar midlet olá" )

Agora é só apertar no icone de "play" ou apertar F6 para ver o aplicativo rodando.

O arquivo JAR é gerado em /home/tarcisio/NetBeansProjects//dist

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